



突破距離限制,Hypershell X 讓每一步都更加輕鬆,減少體能消耗。




Hypershell 有效減輕負重,讓你毫無疲憊地捕捉精彩瞬間。



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“Hypershell is very ergonomic it doesn't bother you and allows you to walk with or without assistance. Climbing times are reduced based on the increase in support power. Hypershell takes some of the energy required to go up a staircase. Tiredness decreases, we become more enduring. ”

Julien B.

“We had them at 50% Eco mode for the descent and I pumped mine to 100% Eco mode for the climb. It really -did- make a difference for two people in their mid 60's. It took us about an hour and a half to do the outbound leg and about half that time to take an old logging road back to the car.”

Greg P.

L hypershell est parfaitement adapté au ski de randonnée
Ses moteurs sont suffisamment puissants et endurants pour pouvoir monter des pentes fortes.
Les mouvements sont fluides et pas du tout gênants même en neige profonde.
Un très bon produit pour la montagne même en hiver.


"I am backer #2217. I first saw Hypershell over 2 years ago on Kickstarter. I am a keen hill walker and love the Scottish mountains, however as I get older the steep slopes were getting much harder. In early January 2025 I finally received my Hypershell Pro X. I find I have much more energy and feel stronger on the steepest. mountains. I have two distance walks in the future 100 miles and 600 miles. I will be taking the Hypershell pro x with me."

Rob M.

“I was very surprised how the exoskeleton guesses my movements. It is very comfortable to wear for a long time, 3-4 hours easily. The battery charge in ECO mode is enough for the same time. The 9.3 mile (15 km) long path through the mountains has never been so easy for me.”


“I’ve got monomelic amyotrophy in my right leg, so it is smaller than my left leg and drags sometimes when I walk. Since I’m afraid I’m gonna fall, I don’t go on dog walks or hikes with my family. I got my Pro X today and went on my first dog walk in a long time! I’m looking forward to many more walks and hikes in the future. ”

Kevin J.

“My Hypershell is all I dreamed it would be and more! As a octogenarian, shrinking, alas, but still passionate about hiking hills and forest trails, I am thrilled with the assist my new Hypershell gave me on a circ 3.5 mile Idaho mountain walk today with my strong unassisted companions! ”

Kathleen K.